High-Cost Drug Solutions

The rising costs of prescriptions are addressed by our Specialty Pharmacy program, which employs strategies that are expressly designed to make them more affordable. We are able to meet the wide range of specialty pharmacy needs that we see in today's market through a multi-faceted approach.

Helping members save money while increasing quality of care. 



Amwins Group Benefits works with specialty pharmacies to help members save money on prescriptions while also increasing the quality of care. We promote the use of low-cost alternatives and generic medications but are also aware of the growing trend in the number and distribution of specialty medications that many Americans cannot afford. Our team of trained, knowledgeable individuals has created a prescription drug program that works on the member's behalf to secure discounted pricing on prescription drugs and resolve any eligibility and billing issues. As a result, member burden is reduced and satisfaction is increased, which are both important components of a well-run prescription drug program.

How are we different?

The following is a list of the strategies we use:

  • Negotiating rebates and discounts, whenever possible
  • Promoting the use of generic medications or other low-cost alternatives


Patient Assistant Program (PAP)

The Amwins Patient Assistance Program (PAP) helps eligible individuals qualify for prescription-savings programs on high-cost medications, improving medication adherence and potentially reducing prescription drug and medical costs by up to 60%. While some PAP vendors only target the higher cost specialty drugs, Amwins knows that there are some non-specialty drugs that are also eligible for these alternative funding sources to help plans manage the cost of both specialty and non-specialty drugs. While the savings for an individual non-specialty drug is lower, the number of patients taking non-specialty drugs is higher, resulting in a significant savings opportunity.

To learn more about our PBM and PAP services, visit Amwins Rx



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