Amwins Connect provides insightful articles that cover various topics as resources to brokers and agencies of all sizes within the Group Benefits industry. As a General Agency, Amwins Connect is always working hard to provide product knowledge and relevant health insurance information. This recap includes topics ranging from what to expect from the 2022 affordability percentage decrease, how the Build Back Better Act could alter health benefits, the Metlife annual employee benefits trend study, how COVID-19 is driving benefit choices, and more.


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October 2021


2022 Affordability Percentage Decreased

In Revenue Procedure 2021-36, the IRS decreased the affordability percentage from 9.83% to 9.61% for 2021. This percentage determines which applicable large employers may face penalties under §4980H(b) for failure to offer affordable coverage as well as which individuals may qualify for subsidized coverage through a public Exchange.


House Bill Could Significantly Alter Health Benefits

The House Ways and Means and Energy and Commerce committees have advanced parts of the Democrats' $3.5 trillion budget reconciliation package, also known as the Build Back Better Act. " According to an article by the Society of Human Resource Management, it could significantly alter retirement, paid leave, and health benefits. 



Metlife's 19th Annual Employee Benefits Trends Study

For globally-mobile employees, it has been an exceptionally stressful year, compared to their domestic peers. However, globally-mobile emploees are more engaged with their employee and report higher satisfaction.



COVID-19 Is Driving Benefit Choices

An Aflac survey reveals that the COVID-19 pandemic is driving benefit choices among employees; anxiety and burnout is widespread; and many employers underestimate their employees’ financial challenges.


Employers Have Expanded Pre-Deductible Coverage with HSA-Eligible Plans

In response to IRS Notice 2019-45, 76% of large employers with HSA-eligible plans have expanded pre-deductible coverage for medications and services that prevent the exacerbation of chronic conditions, according to an Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI) survey. The IRS notice gives HSA-eligible health plans the flexibility to cover 14 medications and services to prevent the exacerbation of chronic conditions prior to meeting the plan deductible.