We recently launched our Parents and Carers Network, to provide support to our colleagues who are parents and/or carers and who may be struggling. As part of our drive to improve our business care practices and make Amwins Global Risks a better place to work for all, we’ve also joined the Insurance Families Network, a non-profit organisation which aims to increase gender equity, drive impact and influence change across the insurance industry.
As part of this announcement, we’re proud to share with you some insights from members of our Parents and Carers Network. Read their interviews below.
For more information on AGR’s Parents & Carers Network or any of our other D&I initiatives, please get in touch. Click here to visit the Insurance Families Network website.
Olivia Parker, Marketing & Events Manager

Why did you want to be part of the AGR Parents and Carers Network?
As a mum of soon-to-be two young children, I’ve learnt the importance of seeking out support in the workplace. AGR is already a great place to work, but now we have a dedicated Parents and Carers Network, this has provided the opportunity for me to connect with other working parents and those who share similar experiences to my own. It’s tough managing these responsibilities alongside your work life, but knowing I have people to go to for advice or just a rant (!) has been invaluable. I look forward to seeing the network grow over the coming years as we connect with more parents and carers within the company.
What advice do you have for working parents and carers who might be struggling to balance their responsibilities?
Find somebody to talk to, whether it is your manager, a colleague, HR or somebody in your network. I have felt extremely overwhelmed at times when I’m struggling with parental responsibilities, for example having a difficult morning with my toddler after not much sleep then having to do the commute and turn up for a full day of work and meetings. It’s not easy! But having a chat with my team or another parent while making a tea can really help diffuse any stress and provide the reassurance that I’m not alone. We are all human, so, for me, communication and connection with others going through something similar is really helpful.
How can companies best support working parents and carers?
Having an employer and line manager who is equipped to support you with your mental wellbeing and provide flexibility when you need it (for example leaving the office a little earlier to make a nursery pick-up), can make all the difference to your day and make your work/life balance even better. Of course, having a Parents and Carers Network is crucial and I’m delighted that AGR sees the value in this programme.
James Cater, Senior Broker – North America

Why did you want to be part of the AGR Parents and Carers Network?
To bring awareness to other dads/fathers/carers within the company, that it is okay to wear your heart on your sleeve, to be able to have hard days and talk about it and not be judged. To talk about frustrations, the small wins and things that worry you, we have gone through it and no one should be worried about talking it out.
What advice do you have for working parents and carers who might be struggling to balance their responsibilities?
Talk talk talk. If people don’t know what’s going on at home or work and you’re struggling, then it could only be the start of something and the problem may get worse. If you talk to someone they may be able to help and work with you to get you back to stability.
How can companies best support working parents and carers?
Trust, flexibility and understanding. We all understand the job that needs to be done.
Trust within the employees to get the job done and on time, even if this means this is out of the normal 9-5 hours.
Being flexible around certain elements of the job and understanding as working parents there are going to be tough times. Even as a line manager, you may feel let down but you won’t be feeling it as much as the working parent is feeling at that time.
Lindsey Davies, Operations Director

Why did you want to be part of the AGR Parents and Carers Network?
I wanted to share my story to help other parents know it’s not all plain sailing, there may be strategies that have worked for me that possibly could spark ideas for others.
What advice do you have for working parents and carers who might be struggling to balance their responsibilities?
Don’t beat yourself up too much! I have managed by being a constant seesaw. It’s always out of balance in one direction, and that’s okay... you need to be flexible and honest and kind to yourself.
How can companies best support working parents and carers?
Allow them the space and trust to be honest with their challenges. Most people want to do a good job and want to work hard, and I have always earned the trust to do this. But I have chosen my companies and bosses accordingly!
Natalie Walker, Director – North America

Why did you want to be part of the AGR Parents and Carers Network?
Having a network offering support, advice or simply some empathy when needed is a great thing for AGR to promote and I’m proud to be part of the initiative.
When starting my family, I didn’t have any friends in a similar situation, a lot of people I connected with wanted to take some time out of their careers whereas I liked my job and was excited to continue being part of AGR as it grew. It took me a while to build a support network of like-minded people and before I did, managing the responsibilities of two young children alongside trying to grow and thrive at work felt difficult at times.
By creating a network at AGR specifically for parents and carers I hope provides a safe and supportive environment for everyone to utilise when needed.
What advice do you have for working parents and carers who might be struggling to balance their responsibilities?
Be kind to yourself. Advice offered, whether sought or not, can feel overwhelming when in the moment and occasionally hard to hear so only retain what you want and ignore the rest.
How can companies best support working parents and carers?
Training of line managers and having a supportive team is important. AGR already provide lots of great benefits that help like the Virtual GP, medical cover, SMART working, maternity coaching, long-service sabbatical etc., but I’m sure as AGR continues to evolve this network will receive recommendations that will help further.