Natural gas distribution market size, measured by revenue, equals $146.6B, and this industry’s growth rate is expected to increase 22.7% in 2021. We understand the utility industry changes constantly due to new innovations in production
resources and increased development of distribution channels. Natural gas distribution companies have unique exposures inherent to their complex industry that require addressing these exposures in a comprehensive manner.
Developed in 1988 by natural gas industry specialists, Amwins Program Underwriters' Natural Gas Distributors insurance program is designed to address the unique risk exposures of publicly owned and investor owned natural gas utilities, and we’re here to help you accommodate the risk management needs of your utility services clients.
The Natural Gas Distributors insurance program is designed for publicly owned and investor owned natural gas utilities. Utilities that operate peak shaving plants, propane service and natural gas appliance sales/installation are eligible for the program. Companies engaged in natural gas distribution may be eligible.
We can consider these incidental operations in conjunction with natural gas distribution:
Coverage is provided on an admitted basis unless otherwise indicated.
The program is available in all U.S. states, except AK & HI
A.M Best Rated "A"
Submission requirements
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