Lawyers Professional Liability (1-25 attorneys)

Exclusive lawyers professional liability product designed to meet the unique needs of law firms with 1 to 25 attorneys.

It’s not enough just to know the law; lawyers must understand the industry nuances of their clients, run their own business and manage both internal and external personalities to be successful.

No matter how good an attorney is, he or she likely have to deal with a malpractice claim in his or her career.

Typical malpractice claims can include:

  • A breach of a duty of care arising out of the lawyer-client relationship
  • The lawyer’s breach of a standard of care
  • An injury to client

While insurance coverage is available to assist with defense costs and potential damages, many factors impact the price and availability of insurance for lawyers, such as an attorney’s area of practice, claims history, size of law firm and disciplinary activity.

When it comes to small law firms — especially those with less than ten attorneys — it can be difficult to find affordable insurance for even the more straightforward risks. 


Amwins' Exclusive Insurance Product for Small Law Firms

In partnership with an “A- VII” rated carrier, Amwins offers an exclusive Lawyers Professional Liability (LPL) product designed to meet the unique needs of law firms with 1 to 25 attorneys. As a direct market product, we have direct access to the underwriters and claims handling as well as flexibility with terms and conditions.


Coverage Features and Special Enhancements

  • Appearance Pay: $500 per day up to $10,000 per policy period
  • Automatic 30-day extended reporting period (ERP)
  • Free ERP for retirees and disabled attorneys, after automatic 30-day ERP
  • Optional ERP up to an unlimited timeframe
  • Broad Definition of legal services
  • Coverage for wrongful acts occurring anywhere in the world
  • Crisis Management $25,000
  • Disciplinary proceeding expenses up to $25,000 per policy period
  • Enhanced Insured Definition including Independent Contractor and Retired Attorneys
  • Initial claim expenses of $5,000
  • The first covered claim during the policy period does not reduce the limits of liability
  • Intellectual Property coverage arising out of legal services
  • Mediation credit of $15,000
  • Mutual choice of counsel
  • Subpoena Assistance of $5,000
  • Wrongful Act includes personal injury and publishing offenses


  • Available in all states except IA, ME, MN and RI
  • Written on Admitted paper in AZ and CA


Insureds Covered Under the Policy Can Include

  • Predecessor firms
  • Subsidiaries
  • Directors
  • Shareholders
  • Executive officers
  • Former employees
  • Heirs
  • Executive administrators
  • Spouses
  • Any such person who ceases the practice of law during the Policy Period due to a disability or death

Contact Us

David Lewison
EVP, National Professional Lines Practice Leader
Amwins Insurance Brokerage, LLC - New York City, NY