Apartments / HOAs / Commercial LRO

Offering property, general liability, and pollution environmental liability coverage for apartments, HOAs, mixed-use, and commercial LRO.
Apartment building

From apartment complexes to commercial real estate, we've got you covered.

Meeting the unique risk exposures of apartment complexes and other large-scale communities can be challenging. That's why Specialty Programs & Facilities Managers developed Specialty Insurance Advantage, Inc. (SIA), an insurance program designed specifically to serve this niche market, protecting your insureds every step of the way. We understand the complexities of apartments, HOA and commercial LRO risk management and have exclusive access to programs and resources that serve up solutions.

Specialty Insurance Advantage is tailored specifically to property owners and managers of commercial and residential real estate and has earned a reputation for delivering expertise and value-added services to clients in need of  property, general liability, and premises environmental liability coverage.


Target Classes of Business

Property owners and managers of commercial real estate, including:

  • Apartments
  • HOAs
  • Mixed-use
  • Commercial LRO

Program Highlights

  • Blanket property limits
  • No coinsurance (built-in coverages such as building ordinance and earthquake sprinkler leakage)
  • General liability first dollar coverage (no deductible) for all claims, EXCEPT $25,000 Habitational deductible per person - please refer to our brochure for additional program information


  • Property
  • General Liability
  • Premises Environmental Liability

Submission Requirements

  • Five-year loss history running 50% or less
  • Risks with water damage claims subject to underwriting review


Apartment/HOA/Commercial LRO insurance program

Key details



This program is available in AZ, CA, NV, OR, UT and WA



  • $500,000,000 Blanket Limits for Property, per occurrence with no annual aggregate
  • $1,000,000/$2,000,000 per occurrence, per location in the aggregate for GL
  • $250,000 per loss per location/$250,000 aggregate per location with a $25 million program aggregate for premises environmental liability


A.M. Best rating:

  • Primary Property: A++, XV
  • General Liability: A, XV
  • Premises Environmental Liability: A+, XV


For emergency claims (during non-business hours) contact Restoration Management Company at 800.400.5058.

24 Hour Emergency Response includes:

  • Remediation services and Restoration due to Fire, Flood, Windstorm, Water Leaks or other Catastrophes
  • Board Ups / Roof Covers
  • On Location cleanup due to smoke or water damage
  • Debris Removal
  • Water Extraction / Dehumidification / Dry Down
  • One call begins coordinating a well-organized, customized recovery process.

For claims that occur or you become aware of during regular business hours, please report your loss to your agent or broker.


Contact Us

Elvira Acosta
Underwriting Manager
Specialty Programs & Facilities Managers (SPFM)
Matt Sanders
Specialty Programs & Facilities Managers (SPFM)

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