Market Insights

Stay informed on emerging issues and trends in the insurance industry.


EIFS: Understanding the Risks and Potential Coverage Limitations

Properties with EIFS have frequent reports of loss due to water damage. Here we discuss the importance of understanding your client’s financial exposure to specific EIFS risks and highlight the common exclusions that could potentially limit coverage.

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State of the Market: A Focus on Builders Risk

This report provides an up-to-date market analysis of the Builders Risk industry, focusing on current market trends, impacts to capacity and pricing, as well as specific classes facing notable challenges. Learn more about the ongoing shift in market dynamics when compared to 2023, with increased capacity leading to more competitive terms and conditions.

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EIFS: Understanding the Risks and Potential Coverage Limitations

CGL Exclusions Common to Construction-Related Claims

Builder’s Risk Insurance: What Costs Are Covered in the Event of a Loss?

Contractor’s General Liability – 11 Common Coverage Limitation Endorsements

State of the Market: A Focus on Builders Risk

Builders’ Risk Market Continues to Experience Stress

State of the Market 2024 Outlook

Uncovering the Mysteries of New York’s Labor Laws

Builder’s Risk Insurance Market Deep Dive

State of the Market - Q1 2023

Insurance Claims for Construction Defects: Defining Single vs. Multiple Occurrences

Construction Safety Strategies to Help Lower Workers’ Comp Claims

How Will Florida’s Property Insurance Legislation Impact Capacity, Limits and/or Premium Rates?

Infrastructure Act Likely to Influence Builder’s Risk Market

Limited Capacity, Climate Change and Valuations Further Harden the CAT Property Market

What “Wood” You Do If Lumber Prices Skyrocketed? Policy Considerations for Woodworking Operations

Navigating the Casualty Market’s Response to COVID-19

Top COVID-19 Issues Impacting Builder’s Risk Insurance

Benefits and Challenges of Using Controlled Insurance Programs in Construction Projects

How to Protect Contractors from Economic Loss in Construction Projects

A Bird’s-Eye View: Insuring Drones in the Construction Industry

Four Key Additional Insured Endorsements for Contractors

Ordinance or Law Insurance Coverage

5 Risk Transfer Options for Owners and Developers

Don't Fall Into The Hole: Potential Insurance Exposures for Construction Owners

Construction Defect Claims: Statute of Limitation and Statute of Repose

Right to Repair Statutes: the Fix to Construction Defect Litigation